Intercalation Chemistry

⠀Intercalation of layered solids, whereby the solid-state hosts reversibly store and release guest ions, is a foundational process for energy storage technologies and next generation advanced materials research.  For example, layered materials, including layered lithium metal oxides and graphite, are among the most successful electrodes in modern batteries. Solid-state host-guest processes are also used for electrochromic materials, thermal transistors, heterogeneous catalysis and ion exchange processes. Our lab looks at the fundamental processes involved with intercalation reactions. We combine experimental studies of structure evolution and reaction kinetics with theoretical treatments to understand these complicated processes, helping to guide the design of new energy materials.

Representative Publications 

“Intercalation of Ferrocene into Vanadyl Phosphate by Density Functional Theory.“  Yuan Liu, An T. Ta, R. Seaton Ullberg, Jiahui Liu, Daniel R.Talham, Simon R. Phillpot  Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12, 15472-15485.

 “Diffusion of ferrocene through vanadyl phosphate by density funcional theory.“  Yuan Liu, An T. Ta, R. Seaton Ullberg, Jiahui Liu, Daniel R.Talham, Simon R. Phillpot  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.  2024, 26, 22798 – 22810.